Name: Robin 101
Online Watch How I Met Your Mother Season 5 Episode 3 Robin the boy wonder is still so amazed when she understands that she and Barney are relationship. She reconsiders her connection with Barney when it seems that he really doesn't want to be in a connection, and then creates a 180 level convert being too receptive, which creates Robin the boy wonder believe he's unfaithful on her. By splitting into Barney's brief-case, Robin the boy wonder and Lily understand that Barney hasn't been unfaithful on her with another lady but that he has been going to evening university. The class: Robin the boy wonder 101. The teacher: Lecturer Ted Mosby. Ted assured Barney that he had to be aware of Robin's needs to keep her, and who better than Ted to educate him what those needs are. Will Robin the boy wonder be flattered or offended? Meanwhile, Marshall says farewell to his old buddy Mabel... or so he believes.