Genre : Drama
Star Cast : Michael Joiner, Michael Higgenbottom, Louis Gossett Jr.
Director: David G. Evans
Writer: Howard Klausner
IMDB Ratting: 5.3
Producer: Howard Klausner,John Nasraway,John R. Saunders
Plot: This serious evangelical situation draws inspiration from the Scriptures line Hebrews 4:16 ("We will find beauty to help us when we need it") in its tale of police officers known as Bill "Mac" McDonald (Michael Joiner) whose life is broken (and his believe in seriously challenged) when he falls his son in a dreadful occurrence. 18 years of rage and rage take place, recognizable by easily unable relationships with his near family associates and broken relationships on the power. Actions reach a warm concept, however, when Mac gets signed up with up in the group car with Sam Wright (Michael Higgenbottom), an African-American ordained minister-turned-cop with a loving and beneficial near family associates. Despite the many difficulties position in the way, the men gradually work toward overcoming their modifications and helping one another.