Genre : Mystery | Thriller
Star Cast : Hilary Swank, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Lee Pace
Director: Antti Jokinen
Writer: Antti Jokinen,Robert Orr
IMDB Ratting: 5.2
Producer: Tobin Armbrust,Cary Brokaw,Guy East,Simon Oakes
Plot: Lately divided from her spouse and looking for to begin a new lifestyle in the town, individual physician Juliet (Hillary Swank) leases a huge residence in Brooklyn and discovers herself beset on every side by a strange, hidden power of wicked. Is there a logical description behind the disturbing activities unfolding all around Juliet, or could it be that she is being followed by causes beyond individual comprehension? From recommended scary studio room Sort Movies (Let Me In, The Lady in Black) comes this unrelentingly anxious thriller co-starring Captain christopher Lee and Jeffrey Dean Morgan.