Genre : Animation | Adventure | Comedy
Star Cast : Johnny Depp, Isla Fisher, Timothy Olyphant
Director: Gore Verbinski
Writer: John Logan, John Logan
IMDB Ratting: 7.3
Producer: John B. Carls,Gore Verbinski,Graham King
Plot: Rango is a protected chameleon residing as an common members of the family pet, while experiencing a significant identification problems. After all, how high can you aim when your whole objective in life is to combination in? When Rango unintentionally ultimately ends up in the gritty, gun-slinging city of Dust - a lawless outpost booming by the desert's most peaceful and unique animals - the less-than-courageous reptile instantly discovers he is unique. Accepted as the last wish the city has been awaiting, new Police Rango is made to perform his new part to the hilt.