Genre : Drama | Family
Star Cast : Evan Ross, Nia Long and Roger Guenveur Smith
Director: Qasim Basir
Writer: Qasim Basir
IMDB Ratting: 6.3
Producer: Jackie Gilbert Bauer
Plot: We're creating a film that we wish will provide a different viewpoint on Muslims/Islam than what is normally represented. Consequently, starting the thoughts & hearts and thoughts of large numbers. With your help we will create a lawn origins advertising strategy that will create sure the achievements of this film before it's launch. This web page is yours as much as it is ours. We want all of our followers to get engaged and create this a vivid, entertaining and fun trip to the complete range... And when the film does come out, it will be a win for us all. The team behind this film includes many different beliefs, societies & countries. We're not trying to force anything on anyone... We just have a tale to tell.