Name : Lifelines (2009)
Genre : Comedy | Drama
Star Cast : Jane Adams, Josh Pais, Joe Morton
Director: Rob Margolies
Writer: Rob Margolies
IMDB Ratting: 6.0
Producer: Rob Margolies
Plot: A day that begins like any other changes out to be one members of the family members bitterly very funny, eventually agonizing, day-long trip of self-realization. "Lifelines" stories the new Bernstein members of the family - Ira, Nancy, Eileen, Meghan and Spencer, as they try to capture up to the life they are residing... Discovering defective figures, never enabling any reasons for their unpleasant actions beyond their primary humankind, the tale shows the genuine encounter of putting a hold on lengthy enough in your common automated day to make the necessary time for fact to appear.